2012 BCSH/BSBMT:慢性移植物抗宿主病诊断治疗指南
A joint working group established by the Haemato-oncology subgroup of the British Committee for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) and the British Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation (BSBMT) has reviewed the available literature and made recommendations for the diagnosis and management of chronic graft versus host disease. This guideline includes recommendations for the diagnosis and staging of chronic graft-versus-host disease as well as primary treatment and options for patients with steroid-refractory disease. The goal of treatment should be effective control of graft-versus-host disease while minimising risk of toxicity and relapse.
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英国血液学标准委员会(BCSH)是英国血液病学会(BCH, British Society for Haematology)分委员会。英国血液学标准委员会基于血液系统疾病及输血的治疗、诊断制定可循证指南。BCSH针对四个主要的临床领域有相对应的特别工作组:一般血液学,止血和血栓形成,血液肿瘤及输血。BCSH的第五个特别工作组是实验及临床实践委员会,该委员会提供其他分支未涉及的血液学临床实践及实验方面的指导。所有的BCSH指南均来自英国血液病学者及专家的临床实践。